Lighting Specialist , NC, SC & VA
- Electrical Distribution
- Manufacturers Rep for CFB Associates, lighting representatives, based in Raleigh from 1986-1992
- President & Agency Principal of J. Todd Brown Associates, 1992-2010
- Director of Agency Sales for Atlas Lighting Products, Burlington , NC
Todd started his career in the electrical distribution business with Electric Supply and Equipment Company in Greensboro. Positions included counter sales, inside sales and outside sales. He entered the lighting industry in 1986 and later owned and operated an agency in Greensboro, NC , serving as the Cooper Lighting agent for 18 years. Responsibilities at the manufacturer level included hiring, training, traveling with electrical representatives in various regions of the country. Todd joined EPG in 2013 as Lighting Specialist. Over his career, he has had the pleasure of calling on electrical distributors, contractors, architects, engineers and a wide variety on end users.
Todd and his wife Cathy live in Greensboro and have two children, Katie and Mason.
Hobbies: Spending time with family, antiques and local history.